The amended plans for the Central Park at Kingsgrove have been submitted to the planning portal. The new date for the end of consultation is 22nd August 2023.
There is a new section of all the amended plans named 2023-08-07 Amended Plans
There is a useful document in that section named 2023-08-07 Agent response to consultation resposnes.pdf [sic] . That is probably the best place to start when trying to determine the amends to the plans that have been made. From the brief look I have had, it looks like the internals of the pavilion have been changed, and the externals of the storage container have been made less attractive to climb.
As I said in my notes from the Crab Hill Development Forum in July, the plans of the pavilion include two toilets that are able to be accessed from the outside.
For those interested in an “introduction” to the plans, I would suggest taking a look at the Design & Access Statement.pdf .