Estate Management

(The author of this page fully acknowledges that there are far more instances of the phrase “Estate Management” than anyone should ever need but unfortunately it is necessary to fully explain the situation)

This page provides information and explanation about the estate management companies that are active on Kingsgrove. If you know what you are looking for:

Why is it necessary to create Estate Management Companies?

There are two main reasons that Estate Management Companies are needed:

  1. Apartment blocks
    The most common need for an Estate Management Company is for apartment blocks. Most, if not all, apartment blocks in the UK have an Estate Management Company (sometimes called a Residents Management Company). These existing to ensure the upkeep of the whole building, including the roof, utilities infrastructure, etc. as well as the communal areas.
  2. Non-adoption by local authorities
    Whereas it used to be the case that local authorities took over the communal areas of a new residential development as a matter of course, more recently, a lot of local authorities are choosing not to take on the responsibility. Wantage Town Council is an example of one of these local authorities. That being said, nearby Grove Parish Council are taking on all of the new Wellington Gate estate. This means that many of the communal areas of Kingsgrove are not expected to be adopted so they must be privately stewarded for the benefit of residents on site. The most expedient way of doing this is to establish an Estate Management Company. This Estate Management Company will manage, maintain and eventually own the areas of open space and site infrastructure that are not adopted.

Who are the members of an Estate Management Company?

The membership of an Estate Management Company will comprise the people that own the residential homes in the areas covered by the Estate Management Company, as well any commercial business owners.

Who are the directors of an Estate Management Company?

Directors will initially be representatives of the developer of that parcel of land. In the case of the larger communal areas, this will be representatives of the master developer, namely St. Modwen. Once the development is complete, the directors will be replaced by homeowners and/or the Estate Management Partner.

What is an Estate Management Partner and what do they do?

Also known as Estate Managing Agents, an Estate Management Partner is appointed on behalf of an Estate Management Company with the responsibility for delivering all aspects of the estate management service.
The easiest way of thinking about it is that the Estate Management Company owns the open space etc and employs the Estate Managing Agent to do the actual work of maintaining it.

How are the costs of providing the Estate Management Company services paid for?

All residents will contribute to a variable annual service charge that will pay for the cost of the management and maintenance of the land that an Estate Management Company is responsible for. Typically an Estate Management Company will create an annual budget that will be distributed to all residents to inform residents of each year’s service charge. The service charge will evolve as the scheme develops and areas are handed over.

What Estate Management Companies are there on Kingsgrove?

Setting aside management companies created to manage only apartment blocks, as of November 2023, there are two Estate Management Companies on Kingsgrove:

  • Kingsgrove Estate Management Company Limited (KEMCL)company number 11414057
    • Remit: Vast majority of the communal areas of Kingsgrove.
    • Members: All homeowners that live on the Kingsgrove development, as well as any commercial business owners, including housing associations.
    • Managing Agent (2023): Preim
  • Fullers Meadow (Wantage) Management Company Limited (FMWMCL)company number 12337528
    • Remit: Communal areas of the Fullers Meadow part of the development that was built by Cala Homes. This management company also has responsibility for some of the apartment blocks on the Fullers Meadow site.
    • Members: All homeowners that live on the Fullers Meadow part of the development.
    • Managing Agent (2023): Remus

Please note that it is highly likely that all members of the Fullers Meadow (Wantage) Management Company Limited are also members of the Kingsgrove Estate Management Company Limited. As such, they will be liable for two service charges.

About this website

At the time that this website,, was set up, it was only the Kingsgrove Estate Management Company Limited that was widely known about. In November 2023, however, residents that were part of the Fullers Meadow (Wantage) Management Company Limited were contacted due to Cala have finished building houses at Kingsgrove. This communication prompted a lot of questions. As a result, the structure of this website will change slightly so as to reflect the existence of the two management companies and their remits. The aim is to be a useful resource for all residents of Kingsgrove, irrespective of which bit of the development they live on.

Anything published on this website prior to November 2023 that doesn’t refer to a specific management company or managing agent can be assumed to be about the Kingsgrove Estate Management Company.