Come along on
Saturday 2 March
for a
GAMES session
at the
Wantage Primary Academy
12 noon and 4pm!
Whether you are a novice when it comes to board games and not sure what to expect at a games session, or have experience of most varieties of gaming, join your neighbours for a social and entertaining afternoon.
Bring your own games or play some supplied. Games can include board games, trading card games, video games, role playing games…anything really.
Residents coming have offered to help others learn some of the games and are excited to learn new games from others.
Refreshments will be provided and please bring along your own snacks too.
All ages welcome, children under 16 to be accompanied by an adult and supervised at all times. Sorry but no dogs are allowed on the school premises.
The Kingsgrove ‘Games Nights’ group is inspired by residents and supported by your community development officer.
If you are a Kingsgrove resident and you’d like to join the WhatsApp group use
For more information contact Anne Richardson, Community Development Officer on